Results for 'Vicky Lynn Adams'

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  1. The neopythagorean women as philosophers.Vicki Lynn Harper - 2013 - In Sarah B. Pomeroy, Pythagorean Women: Their History and Writings. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.
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    Notes and Correspondence.Lynn Thorndike, C. W. Adams, Jean Pelseneer & Semyon P. Rudnykh - 1947 - Isis 37 (1/2):73-79.
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    Nicholas D. Smith and Paul Woodruff : Reason and Religion in Socratic Philosophy. [REVIEW]Vicki Lynn Harper - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (1):99-102.
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    Balancing obligations: should written information about life-sustaining treatment be neutral?Vicki Xafis, Dominic Wilkinson, Lynn Gillam & Jane Sullivan - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (3):234-239.
    Parents who are facing decisions about life-sustaining treatment for their seriously ill or dying child are supported by their child's doctors and nurses. They also frequently seek other information sources to help them deal with the medical and ethical questions that arise. This might include written or web-based information. As part of a project involving the development of such a resource to support parents facing difficult decisions, some ethical questions emerged. Should this information be presented in a strictly neutral fashion? (...)
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    Power + Fashion.Adam Geczy & Vicki Karaminas - 2024 - Foucault Studies 36 (1):201-226.
    ABSTRACT: “Power dressing,” itself a women’s dress reform movement, as it came to be called in the 1970s, used to distinguish typical feminine dress styles and was seen as a necessary strategy for a more subdued image on par with the masculine, serious, and formal professional dress, namely the ubiquitous suit and tie. This new ‘career’ woman became visible by her appearance and choice of dress codes that reinforced her position as a businesswoman who was seriously committed to her work. (...)
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    Gender positioning: A sixteenth/seventeenth century example.Jennifer Lynn Adams & Rom Harre - 2001 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 31 (3):331–338.
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    Disclosure of HIV Status Among Female Youth With HIV.Tiffany Chenneville, Vickie Lynn, Brandon Peacock, DeAnne Turner & Stephanie L. Marhefka - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (4):314-331.
    Minority female youth are significantly affected by the HIV epidemic. The purpose of this pilot study was to explore sexual behavior practices, disclosure of HIV status, attitudes about disclosure, and knowledge of HIV disclosure laws among female youth with HIV. Findings suggest that the majority of YWH studied have been sexually active since their HIV diagnosis, although the nature and extent of sexual activity varied. Rates of nondisclosure to sexual partners varied based on the type of question asked, but at (...)
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    Socioeconomic Disparities in Medical Provider Visits among Medicare Managed Care Enrollees.Jeannette Rogowski, Vicki A. Freedman, Steve L. Wickstrom, John Adams & JoséJ Escarce - 2008 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 45 (1):112-129.
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    What works to address prejudice? Look to developmental science research for the answer.Melanie Killen, Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Aline Hitti & Adam Rutland - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (6):439.
    Developmental perspectives on prejudice provide a fundamental and important key to the puzzle for determining how to address prejudice. Research with historically disadvantaged and advantaged groups in childhood and adolescence reveals the complexity of social cognitive and moral judgments about prejudice, discrimination, bias, and exclusion. Children are aware of status and hierarchies, and often reject the status quo. Intervention, to be effective, must happen early in development, before prejudice and stereotypes are deeply entrenched.
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    Past, Present, and Future Research on Teacher Induction: An Anthology for Researchers, Policy Makers, and Practitioners.Betty Achinstein, Krista Adams, Steven Z. Athanases, EunJin Bang, Martha Bleeker, Cynthia L. Carver, Yu-Ming Cheng, Renée T. Clift, Nancy Clouse, Kristen A. Corbell, Sarah Dolfin, Sharon Feiman-Nemser, Maida Finch, Jonah Firestone, Steven Glazerman, MariaAssunção Flores, Susan Hanson, Lara Hebert, Richard Holdgreve-Resendez, Erin T. Horne, Leslie Huling, Eric Isenberg, Amy Johnson, Richard Lange, Julie A. Luft, Pearl Mack, Julia Moore, Jennifer Neakrase, Lynn W. Paine, Edward G. Pultorak, Hong Qian, Alan J. Reiman, Virginia Resta, John R. Schwille, Sharon A. Schwille, Thomas M. Smith, Randi Stanulis, Michael Strong, Dina Walker-DeVose, Ann L. Wood & Peter Youngs - 2010 - R&L Education.
    This book's importance is derived from three sources: careful conceptualization of teacher induction from historical, methodological, and international perspectives; systematic reviews of research literature relevant to various aspects of teacher induction including its social, cultural, and political contexts, program components and forms, and the range of its effects; substantial empirical studies on the important issues of teacher induction with different kinds of methodologies that exemplify future directions and approaches to the research in teacher induction.
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    Introducing StatHand: A Cross-Platform Mobile Application to Support Students’ Statistical Decision Making.Peter J. Allen, Lynne D. Roberts, Frank D. Baughman, Natalie J. Loxton, Dirk Van Rooy, Adam J. Rock & James Finlay - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Getting to “Yes”: Overcoming Client Reluctance to Engage in Chair Work.Peter Muntigl, Adam O. Horvath, Lynda Chubak & Lynne Angus - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Science and Math Interest and Gender Stereotypes: The Role of Educator Gender in Informal Science Learning Sites.Luke McGuire, Tina Monzavi, Adam J. Hoffman, Fidelia Law, Matthew J. Irvin, Mark Winterbottom, Adam Hartstone-Rose, Adam Rutland, Karen P. Burns, Laurence Butler, Marc Drews, Grace E. Fields & Kelly Lynn Mulvey - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Interest in science and math plays an important role in encouraging STEM motivation and career aspirations. This interest decreases for girls between late childhood and adolescence. Relatedly, positive mentoring experiences with female teachers can protect girls against losing interest. The present study examines whether visitors to informal science learning sites differ in their expressed science and math interest, as well as their science and math stereotypes following an interaction with either a male or female educator. Participants were visitors to one (...)
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    Introduction.Caroline Walker Bynum, Jeffrey F. Hamburger, William P. Caferro, Linda Safran, Adam S. Cohen, Kathryn Kremnitzer, Siddhartha V. Shah, Wenrui Zhao, Lynn Hunt, Elizabeth Heineman, William J. Simpson & Youval Rotman - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (3):353-355.
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    Adrift After Donation.Vicky Young - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):34-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Living Organ DonationLaura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E Post, Vicky Young, Blake Adams, Anonymous One, Michael Sauls, Christine Wright, Shannon D. Wyatt, and Cara Yesawich• An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story• Surgery for the Soul• Kidney Donation Story• The Essence of Giving—A Transplant Story• Love—the Risk Worth Taking• (...)
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    Understanding Parents’ Roles in Children’s Learning and Engagement in Informal Science Learning Sites.Angelina Joy, Fidelia Law, Luke McGuire, Channing Mathews, Adam Hartstone-Rose, Mark Winterbottom, Adam Rutland, Grace E. Fields & Kelly Lynn Mulvey - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Informal science learning sites create opportunities for children to learn about science outside of the classroom. This study analyzed children’s learning behaviors in ISLS using video recordings of family visits to a zoo, children’s museum, or aquarium. Furthermore, parent behaviors, features of the exhibits and the presence of an educator were also examined in relation to children’s behaviors. Participants included 63 children and 44 parents in 31 family groups. Results showed that parents’ science questions and explanations were positively related to (...)
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    Ethics, Economics, and the Specter of Naturalism: The Enduring Relevance of the Harmony Doctrine School of Economics.Andrew Lynn - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):661-673.
    This article revisits the "harmony doctrine" school of economics and its distinctive understanding of how ethics and economics intersect. Harmony doctrine thinkers staked out a “natural” understanding of economic phenomena that in many ways fused the classical political economy of Adam Smith with the earlier French Physiocratic School. Their metaphysically grounded interpretation was largely eclipsed by the developments of utilitarian and marginalist schools by the end of the nineteenth century. Yet harmony doctrine thinking adhered to a distinct understanding of how (...)
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  18. James Pattison, Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Pp. viii 296. Adam D. Reich, Hidden Truth: Young Men Negotiating Lives In and Out of Juvenile Prison. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010. Pp. xviii 270. [REVIEW]Lynn Stout, Cultivating Conscience & How Good Laws Make Good People - 2010 - Criminal Justice Ethics 29 (3):315.
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    Book Review: The Fate of Eloquence in the Age of Hume. [REVIEW]Vicki J. Sapp - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):244-247.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Fate of Eloquence in the Age of HumeVicki J. SappThe Fate of Eloquence in the Age of Hume, by Adam Potkay; xii & 253 pp. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994, $36.95.With the memory still fresh of Jerome Christensen’s Practicing Enlightenment, I experienced no small anxiety on reading Adam Potkay’s first acknowledgment, to Prof. Christensen and his “provocative seminar” on Hume. I finished a third of The Fate (...)
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    Narrative Symposium: Living Organ Donation.Laura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E. Post & Vicky Young - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):7-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Living Organ DonationLaura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E Post, Vicky Young, Blake Adams, Anonymous One, Michael Sauls, Christine Wright, Shannon D. Wyatt, and Cara Yesawich• An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story• Surgery for the Soul• Kidney Donation Story• The Essence of Giving—A Transplant Story• Love—the Risk Worth Taking• (...)
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    The Theology of Dog Training in Vicki Hearne's Adam's Task.Katharine Mershon - 2019 - Religions 25 (10).
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    Replies to Daniel Stoljar, Robert Adams, and Lynne Baker.Derk Pereboom - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 86 (3):753-764.
  23. Defending the bounds of cognition.Fred Adams & Ken Aizawa - 2010 - In Richard Menary, The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. pp. 67--80.
    This chapter discusses the flaws of Clark’s extended mind hypothesis. Clark’s hypothesis assumes that the nature of the processes internal to an object has nothing to do with whether that object carries out cognitive processing. The only condition required is that the object is coupled with a cognitive agent and interacts with it in a certain way. In making this tenuous connection, Clark commits the most common mistake extended mind theorists make; alleging that an object becomes cognitive once it is (...)
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  24. Democratic conflict and the political morality of compromise.Michelle M. Moody-Adams - 2018 - In Jack Knight, Compromise: NOMOS LIX. New York: Nyu Press.
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    Eclipse of Grace: Divine and Human Action in Hegel.Nicholas Adams - 2013 - Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Eclipse of Grace offers original insights into the roots of modern theology by introducing systematic theologians and Christian ethicists to Hegel through a focus on three of his seminal texts: Phenomenology of Spirit, Science of Logic, and Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. Presents brilliant and original insights into Hegel’s significance for modern theology Argues that, theologically, Hegel has been misconstrued and that much more can be gained by focusing on the logic that he develops out of an engagement with (...)
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  26. The Logic of Conditionals: An Application of Probability to Deductive Logic.Ernest W. Adams - 1978 - Mind 87 (348):619-623.
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  27.  31
    Coming To Terms With History.Michele Moody-Adams - 2022 - Raven 1 (2):N A.
    Comprehensive historical understanding is also a central element of the information we need to be responsible moral agents. It is also a critical support of the morality that makes political cooperation possible, especially in any society shaped by a history of ethnic or racial injustice, colonialism, imperialism, or sectarian conflict. Efforts to censor the teaching of history that makes one uncomfortable are thus ethically as well as epistemically indefensible.
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  28. Finite and Infinite Goods: A Framework for Ethics.Robert Merrihew Adams - 1999 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Adams offers a theistically-based framework for ethics, based upon the idea of a transcendent, infinite good, which is God, and its relation to the many finite examples of good in our experience. His account shows how philosophically unfashionable religious concepts can enrich ethical thought. " of the two most important books in moral philosophy of the last quarter century, the other being After Virtue."--Theology Today.
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  29. Ockham's Individualisms.Marilyn McCord Adams - 1990 - In W. Vossenkuhl & R. Schönberger, Die Gegenwart Ockhams. Vch, Acta Humaniora.
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    Ethics and Education.J. W. L. Adams - 1968 - Philosophical Quarterly 18 (71):186-187.
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  31. Developing intercultural understanding with difference differently.Jennet Cole-Adams - 2013 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 21 (1):25.
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  32. Divine Motivation Theory. LINDA ZAGZEBSKI. Cambridge.Robert Merrihew Adams - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (2):493-497.
    Divine Motivation theory is a major contribution both to the philosophy of religion, particularly the philosophy of religious ethics, and to general ethical theory. It is demanding reading, because it is long and complex and about difficult issues. It is also rewarding, because it is suggestive and highly original, written and argued with philosophical intelligence and disciplined care, and rich in systematic connections and explanations of them.
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  33. Fieldwork in familiar places: morality, culture, and philosophy.Michele M. Moody-Adams - 1997 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Fieldwork in Familiar Places challenges the misconceptions about morality, culture, and objectivity that support these skepticisms, to show that we can take ...
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  34. Time and Thisness.Robert Merrihew Adams - 1986 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 11 (1):315-329.
    I have argued elsewhere that there are facts, and possibilities, that are not purely qualitative. In a second paper, however, I have argued that all possibilities are purely qualitative except insofar as they involve individuals that actually exist. In particular, I have argued that there are no thisnesses of nonactual individuals (where the thisness of x is the property of being x, or of being identical with x), and that there are no singular propositions about nonactual individuals (where a singular (...)
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    Making Space for Justice Social Movements, Collective Imagination, and Political Hope.Michele Moody-Adams - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press.
    From nineteenth-century abolitionism to Black Lives Matter today, progressive social movements have been at the forefront of social change. Yet it is seldom recognized that such movements have not only engaged in political action but also posed crucial philosophical questions about the meaning of justice and about how the demands of justice can be met. -/- Michele Moody-Adams argues that anyone who is concerned with the theory or the practice of justice—or both—must ask what can be learned from social (...)
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  36. Horrendous evils and the goodness of God.Marilyn McCord Adams - 1989 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Eleonore Stump & Michael J. Murray.
    A distinguished philosopher and a practicing minister, Marilyn McCord Adams has written a highly original work on a fundamental dilemma of Christian thought -- ...
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    Recursive Functions and Metamathematics: Problems of Completeness and Decidability, Gödel's Theorems.Rod J. L. Adams & Roman Murawski - 1999 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    Traces the development of recursive functions from their origins in the late nineteenth century to the mid-1930s, with particular emphasis on the work and influence of Kurt Gödel.
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    Feminism by any other name.Michele Moody-Adams - 1997 - In Hilde Lindemann, Feminism and Families. Routledge. pp. 76--89.
  39. Photography and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature edited by walden, scott.Zed Adams - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 68 (3):319-320.
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  40. The zone of parental discretion: An ethical tool for dealing with disagreement between parents and doctors about medical treatment for a child.Lynn Gillam - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (1):1-8.
    Dealing with situations where parents’ views about treatment for their child are strongly opposed to doctors’ views is one major area of ethical challenge in paediatric health care. The traditional approach focuses on the child’s best interests, but this is problematic for a number of reasons. The Harm Principle test is regarded by many ethicists as more appropriate than the best interests test. Despite this, use of the best interests test for intervening in parental decisions is still very common in (...)
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  41. The meaning of life.E. M. Adams - 2002 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 51 (2):71-81.
  42. Who knows: from Quine to a feminist empiricism.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 1990 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    INTRODUCTION Reopening a Discussion The empiricist-derived epistemology that has directed most social and natural scientific inquiry for the last three ...
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  43. Intention and Intentional Action: The Simple View.Frederick Adams - 1986 - Mind and Language 1 (4):281-301.
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    Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy.Paul J. Zak (ed.) - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Like nature itself, modern economic life is driven by relentless competition and unbridled selfishness. Or is it? Drawing on converging evidence from neuroscience, social science, biology, law, and philosophy, Moral Markets makes the case that modern market exchange works only because most people, most of the time, act virtuously. Competition and greed are certainly part of economics, but Moral Markets shows how the rules of market exchange have evolved to promote moral behavior and how exchange itself may make us more (...)
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    Public Participation Methods: A Framework for Evaluation.Lynn J. Frewer & Gene Rowe - 2000 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 25 (1):3-29.
    There is a growing call for greater public involvement in establishing science and technology policy, in line with democratic ideals. A variety of public participation procedures exist that aim to consult and involve the public, ranging from the public hearing to the consensus conference. Unfortunately, a general lack of empirical consideration of the quality of these methods arises from confusion as to the appropriate benchmarks for evaluation. Given that the quality of the output of any participation exercise is difficult to (...)
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    What Is Life?Lynn Margulis & Dorion Sagan - 2000 - Univ of California Press.
    Transcending the various formal concepts of life, this captivating book offers a unique overview of life's history, essences, and future. "A masterpiece of scientific writing. You will cherish "What Is Life?" because it is so rich in poetry and science in the service of profound philosophical questions".--Mitchell Thomashow, "Orion". 9 photos. 11 line illustrations.
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    A Typology of Public Engagement Mechanisms.Lynn J. Frewer & Gene Rowe - 2005 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 30 (2):251-290.
    Imprecise definition of key terms in the “public participation” domain have hindered the conduct of good research and militated against the development and implementation of effective participation practices. In this article, we define key concepts in the domain: public communication, public consultation, and public participation. These concepts are differentiated according to the nature and flow of information between exercise sponsors and participants. According to such an information flow perspective, an exercise’s effectiveness may be ascertained by the efficiency with which full, (...)
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  48. The Myth of the Common-Sense Conception of Colour.Zed Adams & Nat Hansen - 2020 - In Teresa Marques & Åsa Wikforss, Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  49. The Idea of Moral Progress.Michele M. Moody-Adams - 1999 - Metaphilosophy 30 (3):168-185.
    This paper shows that moral progress is a substantive and plausible idea. Moral progress in belief involves deepening our grasp of existing moral concepts, while moral progress in practices involves realizing deepened moral understandings in behavior or social institutions. Moral insights could not be assimilated or widely disseminated if they involved devising and applying totally new moral concepts. Thus, it is argued, moral failures of past societies cannot be explained by appeal to ignorance of new moral ideas, but must be (...)
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    I Am Alaskan.Brian Adams - 2013 - University of Alaska Press.
    What does an Alaskan look like? When asked to visualize someone from Alaska, the image most people conjure up is one of a face lost in a parka, surrounded by snow. Missing from this image is the vibrant diversity of those who call themselves Alaskans, as well as the true essence of the place. Brian Adams, a rising star in photography, aims to change all this with his captivating new collection, I Am Alaskan. In this full-color tribute, Adams (...)
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